Vanajanniemi Recreation Area
Vanajaniementie 214, Hattula 14610
Hämeen virkistysalueyhdistys ry
050 3661210
A beautiful headland in its natural state in Hattula, with lush woodland forests and lakeside cliffs to charm you all year round.
Vanajanniemi Recreation Area is a peaceful nature destination in Hattula. The area has beautiful woodland and coastal landscapes, where you can find a wide variety of plants and animals. Walking along the headland paths, you can enjoy the woodland atmosphere and the scenery of Lake Vanajavesi.
The area is home to a wide variety of birdlife including waterfowl and birds of the deciduous forest. A lucky hiker might even spot an osprey hunting on the lake. You can also practice your species identification skills on plants such as ferns, wood sorrel and many wetland plants such as the yellow flag iris and bulrush that also thrive here.
Vanajanniemi is best suited as a day trip destination, where you can enjoy nature in peace and quiet. The area is suitable for overnight stays with public right of access, making it a perfect stopover for a canoe trip in the summer, or a ski trip in the winter. Hiking trails take you through the wood all the way to the shoreline, allowing you to discover the flora and fauna of the area in its natural setting.
The campfire lean-to shelter is by the water, and three campfire sites ensure that everyone has the opportunity to find some peace and quiet around the campfire.
Hämeen virkistysalueyhdistys ry
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