Räyskäläntie 682, Loppi 12820
Hämeen virkistysalueyhdistys ry
+35850 3661210
Sähkönokka is a cosy lakeside nature oasis, in the middle of Loppi’s beautiful landscape of ridges. It is a nice day trip destination on the shores of the beautiful Lake Kaartjärvi.
The small area surrounded by a pine forest is ideal for a family day out. It also serves as a rest stop for hikers and canoers and kayakers.
The swimming area invites you to cool off in the water, and you can get changed in your swimming costume in the changing cubicle at the top of the hill. There are also benches near the beach where you can relax, for example, while reading a book.
Sähkönokka is the starting point of the Kaartjoki canoeing and kayaking route.
Hämeen Ilvesreitti, the Häme Lynx Trail, runs through the area.
Hämeen virkistysalueyhdistys ry
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