Ruostejärvi Recreation Area
Härkätie 810, Tammela 31380
Hämeen virkistysalueyhdistys ry
050 3661210
The Ruostejärvi Nature Recreation Area offers fantastic nature experiences in the middle of beautiful lakes and extensive woodlands.
The clear water of Lake Ruostejärvi is known for its fine, shallow sandy beaches. The lake is surrounded by rugged pine forests and mixed woodlands where you can spot flying squirrels and small birds. In the autumn, the area’s forests are full of berries, and the old spruce woods create a peaceful, fairytale atmosphere for hikers.
The recreation area is located along the Hämeen Härkätie road around Lake Ruostejärvi and Lake Leppilampi. The surrounding forest nature and beautiful lake scenery offer a feast for all the senses. Your eyes rest watching the shimmering lake, as your ears are treated to the wind in the treetops and the birds’ concert. In late summer, you can enjoy the natural goodness of blueberries at the edge of the moorland.
The trails in the area are easy to hike and mainly on fairly flat terrain, except for a few hills. The routes wind along the lake shore and through the forest, and if you wish you can try crossing the strait on a cable ferry. There are plenty of rest areas and clear signposts. There are also nature trails with different themes.
Hämeen virkistysalueyhdistys ry
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