Nature Yoga in Liesjärvi National Park
Kanteluksentie 580, Tammela 31350
Nature Nelis
Immerse yourself in nature, tune into the frequency of the forest.
Nature Yoga is a unique service that combines yoga with the beauty of nature. We make gentle movements, listening to our own body and mind. It allows participants to connect with their environment and enjoy the calming effect of nature and fresh air. Nature yoga is a great way to experience the healing power of the outdoors.
Nature yoga is suitable for everyone – you don’t need previous experience in yoga.
We first walk a short distance in the beautiful scenery of the National Park. A trained Nature Yoga teacher and Wilderness Guide takes You on a journey where nature guides and relaxes the body and mind. At the end of the immersion in the forest, we enjoy campfire coffee or tea and little snack. The guide tells about Finnish nature and traditions.
I offer Nature Yoga service in Liesjärvi National Park.
In Nature Yoga you need warm and flexible
clothes and drinking bottle with water.
I also offer Nature Yoga sessions in other
locations, so please contact me.
This event requires a fee
Price information
39 € - 49 € / person
Nature Nelis
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