In the Footsteps of Sibelius, Walking Tour
Hallituskatu 11, Hämeenlinna 13100
Kanta-Hämeen Oppaat
The tour will start by the house in which Jean Sibelius was born. There we will first hear about his early childhood. The tour continues with a walk through the places that are connected with the composer´s childhood years in Hämeenlinna. This is the town where he went to school and where he created his first compositions. We will also visit the Park of Sibelius, where there are musical benches playing his piano pieces composed for trees.
Available in Finnish, Swedish, English, German, Russian and Japanese.
Price of guiding: according to the valid price list.
The maximum group size is 30 persons.
For a visit in Sibelius birthplace, please see websites
This event requires a fee
Price information
€ /
Kanta-Hämeen Oppaat
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