Restaurant Le Blason
Possentie 7, Hämeenlinna 13200
Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna
+35820 1234 636
Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna is being renewed and the hotel will be closed from 1 December 2024. All the facilities of the hotel will be renovated. The hotel will reopen in the summer of 2025.
Le Blason brings a whiff of fragrant herbs and a piece of France to the beautiful lakeside of Vanajavesi.
Dear Patrons, Please allow us to welcome you to Le Blason.There is just one thing we would like you to do: enjoy your visit with all your senses!
Sing if you feel like it; talk if you can find the words. Do whatever you wish – with or without wine. We are passionate about receiving you as our guests.
We are happy when you leave with lovely lingering taste in the mouth and would love to see you again!
The staff of Le Blason
This event requires a fee
Price information
5 € - 100 € / person
Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna
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