Forest Bathing in Iloranta Empowering Forest
Rukkoilantie 129, Hämeenlinna 14700
Iloranta Oy
+358 50 3437770
Forest bathing means quality time spent in the forest. It is not excercise, but being in the forest, slowly wondering.The purpose of the forest bath is to enjoy nature with all of the five senses. Enjoy the sounds, scents and sceneries, breathe in the forest.
There is no one correct way to find calm and relaxation in the forest.We offer you a safe and guided experience that will allow you to continue forest bathing on your own in the future.
Our experience guide will lead you to the paths of Iloranta forest. Depending on the season, you can feel under your feet the soft moss with pine or fir tree needles, or in the winter you can hear the clean white snow squeak under your shoes. Can you dare to take your shoes off? Wonder what the path would feel like to the bare foot?
Surrounded by tall and ancient trees, you will feel yourself calming, breathing in the clean air and relaxing your shoulders. The forest is fulfilling its age old purpose. Your other senses start to slowly awaken.
In the silence you can hear the sounds of the trees and the songs of the birds. It is so quiet that you can hear even your own thoughts as you gaze towards the treetops stretching high up to the heavens.
The calming effect of the forest will continue by the open fire, as you enjoy a hot drink and stare into the flames still thinking about the things that can make you happy.
This event requires a fee
Price information
30 € - 150 € / person
Iloranta Oy
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