Lehmustien Juhlatalo
Lehmustie 1, Riihimäki 11910
Lehmustien Juhlatalo
Rent your own country house! Our estate is a great place for all sorts of social gathering. Downstairs we have space for about a hundred diners and the space can also be divided into sections. Our house has two large halls, a middle hall, a patio room, a library, a lounge with a fireplace and two bathrooms as well as a lovely park-like yard.
We offer excellent facilities for meetings, including a projector and a screen as well as audio equipment and WiFi. We can also provide your meeting participants with, for example, breakfast or lunch, depending on your needs. In addition to the green park-like environment, there are many interesting places to visit nearby, like the Finnish Glass Museum, glass studios Mafka & Alakoski, Lasismi and Pekka Paunila as well as the Hunting Museum of Finland.
This event requires a fee
Price information
25 € - 48 € / person
Lehmustien Juhlatalo
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