Häme Medieval Festival
Kustaa III:n katu 8, Hämeenlinna 13100
Hämeen Keskiaikatapahtumat Oy
Häme Medieval Festival is the biggest historical festival in Finland and one of the well known events in Häme area. In 2019 there was a record of 28 500 visitors. Small event has grown as a remarkable festival changing the surroundings of the castle as a colorful one-week-trip to the medieval times in every August.
The festival weekend includes fire tournament, tavern and performers, Viking and buhurt combats as well as animal friends and the area for children. For a full medieval experience there is all kinds of program luring also international visitors.
There will be also several hundred campers who arrive often already on Wednesday to enjoy the medieval atmosphere with us until Sunday evening. The camping areas are divided by themes: Vikings, Medieval Camp, Knights, Fantasy Camp for medieval fantasy fans and Plastic Camp for ordinary campers. To camp in certain area one should have the kind of tent and beddings the theme requires.
Performers and market sellers bring internationality to the event, many arrive from Eastern European countries as well as all over Europe. Spectacular view of the castle and the medieval music on the background, the medieval market area and workshops create an overall experience that is difficult to achieve anywhere else. Smells and sounds of the alley of blacksmiths, soap makers, dyers of yarns, medieval weapons are all there to see and experience.
Come, see and experience medieval Häme with us!
This event requires a fee
Price information
10 € - 203 € / day
Hämeen Keskiaikatapahtumat Oy
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