Walking Tour: Forssa Factory Park
Wahreninkatu 12, Forssa 30100
Forssan kaupunki
Take a walk around the historical park with our guide from Forssa Museum!
The Factory park is attached to the Spinning Mill Area and is located by the Loimijoki river, overlooking the Kuhalankoski rapids. The park grew alongside the factories and got its first professional gardeners as early as the 1850s, while the Spinning Mill Area was still being built. The park has played its role in the daily lives of factory workers and was a backyard for the rich and powerful. It has seen buildings being built, moved, and burnt to the ground.
Join us on a short walking tour around the park and witness the changes for yourself.
Price: 15€/person (children 10€)
Minimum group: 4 people
Starting point: Forssa museum, Wahreninkatu 12
This event requires a fee
Price information
10 € - 15 € / person
Forssan kaupunki
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