Aulanko Forest Park and Nature Reserve Walking Tour
Aulangontie 93, Hämeenlinna 13220
Kanta-Hämeen Oppaat
+358 50 5371135
Aulanko is unique, nationally well known culture and leisure destination in Hämeenlinna. During the walking tour the Swan Lake, the Forest Lake as well as the Rosevalley pavilion are visited. Fascinating Nature of Aulanko is very lush and there are a number of curiosities such as groves of curly birch and stands of foreign tree species. From the Lookout Tower there is a boasting beautiful scenery to the Lake Aulangonjärvi. This scenery has provided inspiration for the Finlandia tone poem, one of best-known works of the composer Jean Sibelius born in Hämeenlinna.
The walking tour is not recommended for mobility impaired.
This event requires a fee
Price information
€ /
Kanta-Hämeen Oppaat
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