Aulanko Nature Reserve
Linnanen 77, Hämeenlinna 13220
Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut
+35820 6395270
Aulanko has been a popular destination with visitors for more than a hundred years. Nowadays, there is a lot to see in Aulanko Nature Reserve, in addition to the beautiful scenery. The forest park of Aulanko, its sights, and the view from the scenic lookout tower of Aulangonvuori Hill over the national landscape attract more than 400 000 visitors every year. The area is best suitable for day trips.
The English-style park, which forms a part of the nature reserve, was constructed in 1883 – 1938 and, with its buildings and cultural history, it is a nationally valuable site. To maintain the spacious park landscape, the forest park is actively managed. The nature reserve also includes forest landscape in its natural state.
The forest park of Aulanko has had a significant impact on the Finnish park culture. Nowadays, Aulanko area belongs to the first National Urban Park in Finland (
Metsähallitus manages Aulanko Nature Reserve.
Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut
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