Ahvenisto Outdoor and Nature Reserve
Olympiakatu 18-20, Hämeenlinna 13130
Visit Häme
+358 3 621 3370
Ahvenisto Ridge area is a popular outdoor district in Hämeenlinna. At its core is the 64-hectare nature reserve, of which six hectares are primeval forests. There are many marked exercise and outdoor trails, a sawdust track and forest paths in the area. Rare vegetation can be seen in Ahvenisto. Häme pasque flower, wich is the county flower of Häme, grows in the area.
Lake Ahvenisto is a popular place for swimming. In winter you can go ice swimming. The Ahvenisto sauna can be rented by anyone and there are also general sauna shifts. Ahvenisto also has an outdoor swimming pool built for the 1952 Olympics’ modern pentathlon swimming section. Other pentathlon competitions were also competed in Ahvenisto. There is a small Kahtoilampi bond on the other side of the Ahvenisto Ridge and on further north Hirvilampi bond.
In addition to swimming and jogging, you can play beach volley, go SUP boarding or climb in the trees of Flow Park tracks. There is a hut near the beach where you can light a campfire. During the summer there is a cafe near the beach.
In winter, there are skiing trails and several toboggan slides in Ahvenisto.
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